§ 31-14-7 - Reduction by local authorities of speed limits in open areas.
SECTION 31-14-7
§ 31-14-7 Reduction by local authoritiesof speed limits in open areas. Whenever local authorities within their respective jurisdictions determine uponthe basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that the prima faciespeed permitted under this chapter upon any street or highway outside abusiness or residence district is greater than is reasonable or safe under theconditions found to exist upon the street or highway, the local authority maydetermine and declare a reasonable and safe prima facie limit on that street orhighway, but in no event less than thirty-five miles per hour (35 mph) andsubject to § 31-14-8, which reduced prima facie limit shall be effectiveat all times or during hours of darkness or at any other times that may bedetermined when appropriate signs giving notice of the authorized speed areerected upon the street or highway.