§ 31-14-3 - Conditions requiring reduced speed.

SECTION 31-14-3

   § 31-14-3  Conditions requiring reducedspeed. – (a) The driver of every vehicle shall, consistent with the requirements of§ 31-14-1, drive at an appropriate reduced speed when approaching andcrossing an intersection or railroad grade crossing, when approaching and goingaround a curve, when approaching a hill crest, when traveling upon any narrowor winding roadway, when special hazard exists with respect to pedestrians orother traffic or by reason of weather or highway conditions and in the presenceof emergency vehicles displaying flashing lights as provided in §31-24-31, tow trucks, transporter trucks, and roadside assistance vehiclesdisplaying flashing amber lights while assisting a disabled motor vehicle.Violations of this section are subject to fines enumerated in § 31-41.1-4.

   (b) When an authorized vehicle as described in subsection (a)is parked or standing within twelve feet (12') of a roadway and is giving awarning signal by appropriate light, the driver of every other approachingvehicle shall, as soon as it is safe, and when not otherwise directed by anindividual lawfully directing traffic, do one of the following:

   (1) Move the vehicle into a lane that is not the lane nearestthe parked or standing authorized emergency vehicle and continue traveling inthat lane until safely clear of the authorized emergency vehicle. Thisparagraph applies only if the roadway has at least two (2) lanes for trafficproceeding in the direction of the approaching vehicle and if the approachingvehicle may change lanes safely and without interfering with any vehiculartraffic.

   (2) Slow the vehicle, maintaining a safe speed for trafficconditions, and operate the vehicle at a reduced speed until completely pastthe authorized emergency vehicle. This paragraph applies only if the roadwayhas only one lane for traffic proceeding in the direction of the approachingvehicle or if the approaching vehicle may not change lanes safely and withoutinterfering with any vehicular traffic.

   Violations of this section are subject to fines enumerated in§ 31-41.1-4.