§ 31-14-12.1 - Special speed limits in highway construction and maintenance operations.
SECTION 31-14-12.1
§ 31-14-12.1 Special speed limits inhighway construction and maintenance operations. (a) Whenever the department of transportation or local governing unit withjurisdiction over the highways determines that the preexisting establishedspeed limit through a highway construction or maintenance operation is greaterthan is reasonable or safe with respect to the conditions expected to exist inthat operation, it may, on highways under its respective jurisdiction,determine and declare reasonable and safe absolute maximum temporary speedlimits applicable through all or part of the operation. A temporary speed limitso determined and declared shall become effective and shall suspend theapplicability of any other speed limit prescribed in this chapter whenappropriate signs of the design prescribed by the department giving notice ofthe limits are erected at or along the operation. When these signs are erected,the total of fines, penalties, and costs assessed upon conviction shall betwice the amount otherwise set by the general laws.
(b) When street, highway or bridge construction, or amaintenance operation is present, the department of transportation or localgoverning unit with jurisdiction over the street or highway shall erect signsdeclaring that the fine for a conviction of a traffic violation, as defined by§ 31-41.1-4, through the "temporary traffic control zone" shall bedoubled. When these signs are erected, the total of the fines, penalties, andcosts assessed upon conviction shall be twice the amount otherwise set by thegeneral laws. The prescribed legend for the signs shall be established by thedepartment of transportation.
(c) For the purposes of this section, "temporary trafficcontrol zone" means that portion of a bridge, street, or highway that isidentified by official traffic-control devices. The zone includes the entiresection of roadway between the first advance warning sign through the lasttraffic control device, where traffic returns to its normal path andconditions. This zone shall exist throughout the duration of the constructionor maintenance operation or as long as the signs remain.