§ 31-11-5 - Abstracts of court records Recommendations of judge.
SECTION 31-11-5
§ 31-11-5 Abstracts of court records Recommendations of judge. A full record shall be kept by every court in this state of every case in whicha person is charged with violation of any provision of this title, or any actrelative to motor vehicles, or to the operation of the vehicles. An abstract ofthe record shall be sent by the court to the division of motor vehicles withinten (10) days of the time when the case is disposed of. The abstract shall bemade upon forms prepared by the division of motor vehicles and shall includeall necessary information as to the parties to the cause, the nature of theoffense, the date of the hearing, the plea, the decision, the judgment, and theresult, and every abstract shall be certified by the clerk of the court. Thedivision of motor vehicles shall keep the records and they shall be open to thepublic inspection during the business hours of the division of motor vehicles.The judge of any court in the state may, in his or her discretion, or upon therequest of the division of motor vehicles or its agents, furnish to thedivision of motor vehicles the details of cases which have been heard beforethe court; and the judge may make an order to the division of motor vehicles asto the suspension of the license of the defendant in cases as he or she maydeem necessary. The order shall be binding on the division of motor vehicles.