§ 31-11-21.1 - Penalty for employing of unlicensed/unauthorized operator.
SECTION 31-11-21.1
§ 31-11-21.1 Penalty for employing ofunlicensed/unauthorized operator. (a) The registered owner of any school bus used for the transportation ofschool children shall be responsible for insuring that any person operating theschool bus is licensed as provided in chapter 10 of this title, and the failureof any driver to have the proper licenses and certificates shall result in afine against the registered owner of not less than two hundred dollars ($200)nor more than five hundred dollars ($500) for each day the driver operates aschool bus without the licenses and/or certificates. This fine shall beadministered by the traffic tribunal. Nothing in this section shall precludeany civil or criminal penalty against the unlicensed operator of the school bus.
(b) The registered owner of any school bus used for thetransportation of school children shall obtain from the division of motorvehicles every year a certificate indicating that the operators of any schoolbus registered to the registered owner is in full compliance with all therequirements of this title.
(c) The division of motor vehicles shall reply to any requestmade by any school bus owner in writing within ten (10) working days of thereceipt of the request.
(d) The division of motor vehicles shall prepare forms forthe filing of requests and answers to them.
(e) Licenses issued to school bus operators shall bear thedate of the most recent division of motor vehicles check on its face.
(f) The division of motor vehicles shall fix a fee for theproviding of the information required by this section, which fee shall be paidby the registered owner making the request.