§ 31-11-15 - Appeal from administrator's order.
SECTION 31-11-15
§ 31-11-15 Appeal from administrator'sorder. Any person aggrieved by any order of the administrator of the division of motorvehicles may appeal that order to the sixth division of the district court byfiling, within ten (10) days from the date of the notice to that person of theissuance of the order, a petition in that court stating the grounds upon whichthe appeal is taken. Upon the filing of the petition and tendering atwenty-five dollar ($25.00) filing fee, the court shall cause thirty (30) days'notice of the pendency of the hearing to be given to the division of motorvehicles by serving the administrator of the division of motor vehicles, in themanner in which subpoenas in equity are served, with a certified copy of thepetition. The petition shall follow the course of equity so far as it isapplicable. Upon hearing this petition the court may review the evidence takenat a hearing, investigator's reports, or other information upon which theadministrator's action was taken, and may in its discretion, affirm, oroverrule or modify the order of the administrator of the division of motorvehicles. However, the taking of the appeal shall not operate as a stay of theorder of the administrator of the division of motor vehicles from which theappeal is taken, and the order shall remain in full force and effect during thependency of the appeal. A party aggrieved by a final order of the court mayseek appellate review of the order pursuant to the procedures set forth in§ 42-35-16.