§ 31-10.1-4 - Required equipment.
SECTION 31-10.1-4
§ 31-10.1-4 Required equipment. Operators of motorcycles, motor scooters, and motor-driven cycles shall use eyeprotection of a type approved by the administrator of the division of motorvehicles when operating their vehicles on streets and highways. Everymotorcycle, motor scooter, and motor-driven cycle shall be equipped with a rearview mirror. Any operator under the age of twenty-one (21) shall wear a helmetof a type approved by the administrator of motor vehicles. In addition, all newoperators, regardless of age, shall be required, for a period of one year fromthe date of issuance of the first license pursuant to § 31-10.1-1, to weara helmet of a type approved by said administrator. Any person deemed inviolation of this provision shall be subject to the fines enumerated in §31-41.1-4, which shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of chapter41.1 of this title. The administrator of the division of motor vehicles isauthorized to set forth rules and regulations governing the use of otherequipment on those vehicles. All fines collected under this section shall bedeposited in a general restricted receipt account for the use of the RhodeIsland governor's office on highway safety in order to promote educational andinformational programs encouraging helmet use.