§ 31-1-19 - Types of business.

SECTION 31-1-19

   § 31-1-19  Types of business. – (a) "Applicant" means any person, firm, corporation, or association makingapplication under chapters 1 – 27 of this title.

   (b) "Dealer" means every person engaged in the business ofbuying, selling, or exchanging vehicles required to be registered underchapters 3 – 9 of this title, and who has an established place of businessfor that purpose in this state.

   (c) "Distributor" means every person, resident, ornonresident of this state, who sells or distributes motor vehicles to motorvehicle dealers in this state, or who maintains a distributor representative inthis state.

   (d) "Factory branch" means every branch office maintained bya manufacturer for the sale of motor vehicles to distributors, or for the saleof motor vehicles to motor vehicle dealers or for directing or supervising, inwhole or in part, its representatives in this state.

   (e) "Factory representative" means every representativeemployed by a manufacturer or by a factory branch for the purpose of making orpromoting the sale of its motor vehicles, or for supervising or contacting itsdealers or prospective dealers.

   (f) "Licensee" means any person receiving a license underchapters 1 – 27 of this title.

   (g) "Licensor" means either the administrator, an authorizedrepresentative, or both, who are authorized to issue a license under chapters 1– 27 of this title.

   (h) "Manufacturer" means every person engaged in the businessof constructing or assembling vehicles required to be registered under chapters3 – 9 of this title at an established place of business in this state.

   (i) "New and unused motor vehicle dealer" means every person,firm, or corporation which sells, solicits, or advertises the sale of new andunused motor vehicles; holds a bona fide contract or franchise in effect with amanufacturer or distributor of the vehicle(s) to be dealt in; maintainsadequate space in the building or structure where the established business isconducted for the display of those vehicle(s); provides for vehicle repair andservicing; and stores parts and accessories for those motor vehicles.

   (j) "Transporter" means every person engaged in the businessof delivering vehicles required to be registered under chapter 3 of this titlefrom a manufacturing, assembling, and distributing plant to a point ofdestination or for the purpose of weighing, testing, transporting, ordelivering that vehicle, or for the purpose of moving that vehicle inconnection with making installations on or improvements to it, or forrepossession of or foreclosure of it.

   (k) "Wrecker" means every person engaged in the business ofwrecking or dismantling motor vehicles for the resale of the parts or materialfrom them.