§ 31-1-15 - Suspension, revocation, and cancellation.
SECTION 31-1-15
§ 31-1-15 Suspension, revocation, andcancellation. (a) "Cancellation" means the registration, driver's license, or instructionpermit is annulled and terminated because of some error or defect or becausethe former bearer is no longer entitled to one, but the cancellation is withoutprejudice and a new application may be made at any time after the cancellation.
(b) "Revocation" means the registration, driver's license,instruction permit and privilege to drive a motor vehicle on the publichighways is terminated and shall not be renewed or restored, except that anapplication for a new registration, license, or the privilege to drive may bepresented and acted upon in accordance with the provisions of chapters 1 27 of this title.
(c) "Suspension" means the registration, license, orinstruction permit and privilege to drive a motor vehicle on the publichighways is withdrawn for a specified period.