§ 30-9-9 - Recovery of value of lost or damaged property.
SECTION 30-9-9
§ 30-9-9 Recovery of value of lost ordamaged property. Except as indicated in § 30-9-8, the value of the public funds or publicproperty lost, damaged, destroyed, or unreturned, in an amount to be determinedby a surveying officer, to be appointed by the governor, shall be chargedagainst the person at fault and it shall be an indebtedness from that person tothe state. If any person at fault, or his or her surety if any, shall fail topay the full value of the lost, damaged, destroyed, or unreturned funds orproperty the adjutant general may deduct the amount due from any pay orallowances due or to become due, if any, to that person and the attorneygeneral of the state, upon request of the adjutant general, shall bring suchaction or actions, in the name of the people of the state, in any court ofcompetent jurisdiction, as may be necessary to recover from that person, or hisor her surety, if any, the amount of the indebtedness or any balance remainingunpaid.