§ 30-6-3 - Pay of enlisted persons on active duty.

SECTION 30-6-3

   § 30-6-3  Pay of enlisted persons on activeduty. – Each enlisted person of the Rhode Island army or air national guard ordered toduty by the governor, or under his or her authority, shall receive or beentitled to, for every day actually on duty, the same pay and allowances thatan enlisted person of the same grade and length of service in a federallyrecognized unit of the Rhode Island army or air national guard would receive orbe entitled to, when participating in a federal pay status, in encampments ormaneuvers prescribed or authorized under the laws of the United States and theregulations issued thereunder; provided, however, that no enlisted person shallreceive less than the minimum federal hourly wage rate then prevailing on theday of duty for the hours served on duty up to a maximum of twelve (12) hoursof duty, regardless of the extra hours served.