§ 30-24-4 - Appointments to advisory council Organization and meetings. [Effective until July 1, 2010.].
SECTION 30-24-4
§ 30-24-4 Appointments to advisory council Organization and meetings. [Effective until July 1, 2010.]. Annually, on or before July 1, the governor shall appoint a successor of eachmember of the advisory council whose term expires, these appointments to be fora term of three (3) years. Provided, however, that a former staterepresentative or senator having served at least five (5) years on the advisorycouncil shall be appointed for a term of at least five (5) years. In case ofany vacancy or additional members on the council, the governor shall appoint anew member for the unexpired portion of the term of that membership ashereinbefore provided. Members of the council shall serve without pay. Theadvisory council shall elect one of its members to serve as chairperson for aperiod of one year and until a successor is elected and qualified. Meetingsshall be held at the call of the chairperson; provided, however, that amajority of the members may call a meeting of the advisory council at any time,all members being notified in any case by mail and reasonably in advance of anysuch meetings. A majority of members shall constitute a quorum for thetransaction of business. The governor may remove a member of the council forneglect of duty. Secretarial service for the council shall be provided by thedirector of the department of human services. Provided, further, the immediatepast chief of veterans' affairs shall serve as ex-officio of the veterans'council with voting privileges for a period of five (5) years and may bereappointed for an additional term by the governor.