§ 30-24-3 - Commandant Advisory council. [Effective until July 1, 2010.].
SECTION 30-24-3
§ 30-24-3 Commandant Advisorycouncil. [Effective until July 1, 2010.]. (a) The director of human services shall appoint a commandant for the RhodeIsland veterans' home who shall also act as the associate director of thedivision of veterans' affairs. There shall be an advisory council for veterans'affairs, consisting of not more than twenty-seven (27) qualified electors ofthis state, ten (10) of whom shall be honorably discharged war veterans of thearmed forces of the United States; sixteen (16) of the members shall beappointed by the governor, consisting of a member designated by each of thevarious state departments of chartered veteran organizations, one of whom shallbe a member of the purple heart organization, and the remaining member ormembers at large; provided, however, that each of those departments of veteranorganizations shall have and continue to have at least one member on theadvisory council for veterans' affairs; and provided further that one membershall be a female veteran, one member shall be a minority veteran, one membershall be a representative of the Persian Gulf War Veterans' Association, andone member shall be a representative of the Korean War Veterans' Association;seven (7) members shall consist of five (5) members of the house ofrepresentatives, not more than four (4) members from the same political party,to be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, and two (2)members from the senate, not more than one from the same political party, to beappointed by the president of the senate. The seven (7) members of the generalassembly who shall serve on the advisory council of veteran affairs shall serveso long as they are members of the general assembly.
(b) The remaining members shall be one former representativehaving served at least five (5) years on the advisory council, to be appointedby the speaker of the house of representatives, and one former senator havingserved at least five (5) years on the advisory council, to be appointed by thepresident of the senate. If either of the last two (2) mentioned are notavailable, the selections may be members at-large selected from the generalpublic; provided, further, the immediate past chief of veterans' affairs shallserve as ex-officio of the veterans' council with voting privileges for aperiod of five (5) years and may be reappointed for an additional term by thegovernor. The final remaining member shall be an active National Guard personto be appointed by the State Adjutant General.