§ 30-24-10 - Admissible to home Fees. [Effective until July 1, 2010.].
SECTION 30-24-10
§ 30-24-10 Admissible to home Fees.[Effective until July 1, 2010.]. (a) Any person who has served in the army, navy, marine corps, coast guard, orair force of the United States for a period of ninety (90) days or more andthat period began or ended during any foreign war in which the United Statesshall have been engaged or in any expedition or campaign for which the UnitedStates government issues a campaign medal, and who was honorably dischargedfrom it, and who shall be deemed to be in need of care provided at the RhodeIsland veterans' home, may be admitted to that facility subject to such rulesand regulations as shall be adopted by the director of human services to governthe admission of applicants to the facility. Any person who has served in thearmed forces of the United States designated herein and otherwise qualified,who has served less than the ninety-day period described in this section, andwho was honorably discharged from service, and who, as a result of the service,acquired a service-connected disability or disease, may be admitted. No personshall be admitted to the facility unless the person has been accredited to theenlistment or induction quota of the state or has resided in the state for atleast two (2) consecutive years next prior to the date of the application foradmission to the facility.
(b) The director shall, at the end of each fiscal year,determine the net per diem expenses of maintenance of residents in the facilityand shall assess against each resident who has "net income", as defined in thissection, a fee equal to eighty percent (80%) of the resident's net income,provided that fee shall not exceed the actual cost of care and maintenance forthe resident; and provided that an amount equal to twenty percent (20%) of themaintenance fee assessed shall be allocated to and deposited in the veterans'restricted account. For the purposes of this section, "net income" is definedas gross income minus applicable federal and state taxes and minus:
(i) An amount equal to one hundred fifty dollars ($150) permonth of residency and fifty percent (50%) of any sum received due to woundsincurred under battle conditions for which the resident received the purpleheart; and
(ii) The amount paid by a resident for the support andmaintenance of his or her spouse, parent(s), minor child(ren), or child(ren)who is/are blind or permanently and totally disabled as defined in title XVI ofthe Federal Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 1381 1383d,subject to a maximum amount to be determined by rules and regulations as shallbe adopted by the director.
(2) The fees shall be paid monthly to the home and anyfailure to make payment when due shall be cause for dismissal from thefacility. Prior to dismissal, the resident shall be afforded administrative dueprocess.
(c) Admissions to the veterans' home shall be made withoutdiscrimination as to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability,marital status, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, assets,or income.
(d) Laundry services shall be provided to the residents ofthe Rhode Island veterans' home at no charge to the residents, with such fundsto cover the cost of providing laundry services for residents of the RhodeIsland Veterans' Home derived from monies appropriated to the department ofhuman services.