§ 30-19-5 - Powers of minor spouse.

SECTION 30-19-5

   § 30-19-5  Powers of minor spouse. –Any minor spouse of any person who under the provisions of federal law iseligible for housing loans and whether or not under guardianship by reason ofminority, may with the same force, effect, and validity as if he or she wereeighteen (18) years of age with full legal capacity do all that a minor veteranis empowered to do under §§ 30-19-1 – 30-19-3, and withoutlimiting the generality of the foregoing, join with the minor veteran in theexecution and delivery of any mortgage or other instrument which may berequisite, necessary, desirable, or incidental to the obtaining of any loanguaranteed in part or in full under the provisions of federal law, or to theobtaining of any loan, guaranty, or other benefit thereunder, and in thatmortgage or other instrument may release curtesy or dower in any propertydescribed in the mortgage or other instrument.