§ 30-15-8 - Mobile support units.

SECTION 30-15-8

   § 30-15-8  Mobile support units. – (a) The governor or the governor's duly designated representative is authorizedto create and establish any number of mobile support units that may benecessary to reinforce disaster organizations in stricken areas with dueconsideration of the plans of the federal government and of other states.Mobile support units shall be called to duty upon orders of the governor andshall perform their functions in any part of the state or, upon the conditionsspecified in this section, in other states.

   (b) Personnel of mobile support units while on duty, whetherwithin or without the state, shall:

   (i) If they are employees of the state, have the powers,duties, rights, privileges and immunities and receive the compensationincidental to their employment;

   (ii) If they are employees of a political subdivision of thestate, and whether serving within or without the political subdivision, havethe powers, duties, rights, privileges, and immunities and receive thecompensation incidental to their employment; and

   (iii) If they are not employees of the state or a politicalsubdivision thereof, be entitled to compensation by the state at a rateequivalent to the rate of compensation paid to jurors in state courts, and tothe same rights and immunities as are provided by law for the employees of thisstate.

   (2) All personnel of mobile support units shall, while onduty, be subject to the operational control of the authority in charge ofdisaster activities in the area in which they are serving, and shall bereimbursed for all actual and necessary travel and subsistence expenses, as ifthey were temporary state employees.

   (c) The state shall reimburse a political subdivision for thecompensation paid and actual and necessary travel, subsistence, and maintenanceexpenses of the employees of a political subdivision while serving as membersof a mobile support unit, and for all payments for death, disability, or injuryof those employees incurred in the course of such duty, and for all losses ofor damage to supplies and equipment of such political subdivision resultingfrom the operation of that mobile support unit.