§ 30-15.9-1 - Purpose and authorities.
SECTION 30-15.9-1
§ 30-15.9-1 Purpose and authorities. This compact is made and entered into by and between the participating memberstates which enact this compact, hereinafter called party states. For thepurposes of this agreement, the term "states" is taken to mean the severalstates, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, and allUnited States territorial possessions.
The purpose of this compact is to provide for mutualassistance between the states entering into this compact in managing anyemergency or disaster that is duly declared by the governor of the affectedstate(s), whether arising from natural disaster, technological hazard, man-madedisaster, civil emergency aspects of resources shortages, community disorders,insurgency or enemy attack.
This compact shall also provide for mutual cooperation inemergency-related exercises, testing or other training activities usingequipment and personnel simulating performance of any aspect of the giving andreceiving of aid by party states or subdivisions of party states duringemergencies, such actions occurring outside actual declared emergency periods.Mutual assistance in this company may include the use of the states' NationalGuard forces, either in accordance with the National Guard Mutual AssistanceCompany or by mutual agreement between states.