§ 30-15.1-1 - Declaration Transition of affairs.
SECTION 30-15.1-1
§ 30-15.1-1 Declaration Transitionof affairs. Whenever, due to an emergency resulting from the effects of a disaster, or theanticipated effects of a potential disaster, it becomes imprudent,inexpedient, or impossible to conduct the affairs of state government at thenormal location of the seat thereof in the city of Providence, county ofProvidence, state of Rhode Island, the governor shall, as often as theexigencies of the situation require, by executive order or proclamation,declare an emergency temporary location, or locations, for the seat ofgovernment at such a place, or places, within or without this state as he orshe may deem advisable under the circumstances, and shall take such action andissue such orders as may be necessary for an orderly transition of the affairsof state government to that emergency temporary location or locations. Theemergency temporary location, or locations, shall remain as the seat ofgovernment until the general assembly shall by law establish a new location, orlocations, or until the emergency is declared to be ended by the governor andthe seat of government is returned to its normal location.