§ 30-13-20 - Jurisdiction of summary courts-martial.

SECTION 30-13-20

   § 30-13-20  Jurisdiction of summarycourts-martial. – (a) Subject to § 30-13-17, summary courts-martial have jurisdiction to trypersons subject to this code, except officers, for any offense made punishableby this code.

   (b) No person with respect to whom summary courts-martialhave jurisdiction may be brought to trial before a summary court-martial ifthat person objects thereto, unless under § 30-13-15 he or she has beenpermitted and has elected to refuse punishment under that section. If objectionto trial by summary court-martial is made by an accused who has not beenpermitted to refuse punishment under § 30-13-15, trial shall be ordered byspecial or general court-martial, as may be appropriate.

   (c) A summary court-martial may, under such limitations asthe governor may prescribe, adjudge any of the following punishments:

   (1) Confinement with hard labor for not more than twenty-five(25) days;

   (2) A fine of not more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00);

   (3) Forfeiture of pay and allowances of not more thantwenty-five dollars ($25.00);

   (4) A reprimand;

   (5) Reduction of enlisted persons to a lower grade; or

   (6) Any combination of these punishments.