§ 3-8-6.1 - Identification cards for persons under the age of 21.
SECTION 3-8-6.1
§ 3-8-6.1 Identification cards for personsunder the age of 21. – (a) The administrator of the division of motor vehicles shall issue to anyperson upon request, who is under twenty-one (21) years of age, anidentification card upon payment of a fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00), and,upon presentation of a certified birth or baptismal certificate, or U.S. orforeign passport, or U.S. naturalization certificate, or a valid immigrant orrefugee document issued by the United States immigration and naturalizationservice including, but not limited to, any one of the following: Form I-551,Form I-94, Form I-688A, and Form I-688, together with a document bearing theapplicant's signature. No person who holds an operator's license, issued bythis state or any other state, shall be issued an identification card.
(2) The identification card shall be subject to renewal everyfive (5) years upon the payment of a fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00).
(3) The identification card shall be signed by theadministrator of the division of motor vehicles and also by the applicant, andhis or her picture shall appear on the card along with the required informationand the card shall be encased in laminated plastic. The card shall be twoinches (2") in height and four inches (4") in length and shall be printed inthe following form:
Date Issued No. . . . . . .
First Name Middle Name Last Name
Month Day . . . . . . . . . Year . . . . . . . . .
Secure Color Color Sex Ht. Wt.
Photo of hair of eyes
by Pasting
here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .
Issued by
Administrator of the Division of Motor Vehicles
(4) The identification cards shall be produced at the adultcorrectional institution if they have facilities to do so; if the adultcorrectional institutions have no facilities to do so, then all cards shall bemanufactured by the lowest responsible bidder following advertisement for thesolicitation of bids.
(5) The identification cards shall be clearly distinguishablefrom those issued pursuant to § 3-8-6 and operators' and chauffeurs'licenses issued pursuant to title 31.
(b) The identification card may be withdrawn at any time forjust cause, at the discretion of the administrator of the division of motorvehicles. The administrator of the division of motor vehicles shall keep arecord of the cards issued and each card shall contain an identification numberspecifically assigned to the person to whom the card was issued.