§ 3-7-8 - Class C license.
§ 3-7-8 Class C license. (a) A retailer's Class C license authorizes the holder of the license to keepfor sale and to sell beverages at retail at the place described in the licenseand to deliver those beverages for consumption on the premises where sold. Nobeverages shall be sold or served after twelve o'clock (12:00) midnight norbefore six o'clock (6:00) a.m. Local license boards in the several cities andtowns may fix an earlier closing time within their discretion. The licenseauthorizes the holder to keep for sale and sell beverages, including beer incans, at retail at the place described in the license and to deliver thosebeverages for consumption on the premises.
(b) The license authorizes the holder to sell pre-packagedfoods prepared off the premises with beverages but prohibits the preparationand serving of foods cooked on the premises. The holder of the license mayserve with beverages and without charge popcorn, crackers, bread, pretzels,sausage of any type, pickles, sardines, smoked herring, lupino beans, andpotato chips. No food shall be cooked on the premises but pre-packaged foodsprepared and cooked off the premises and purchased by the holder from asupplier may be warmed and sold on the premises in their original packaging,and all foods shall be covered in accordance with the regulations of the statedepartment of health. The annual fee for the license is four hundred dollars($400) to eight hundred dollars ($800), prorated to the year ending December 1in every calendar year.
(c) The town councils of the towns of Coventry, Scituate andSouth Kingstown are authorized to prohibit by ordinance the issuance of Class Clicenses. Upon prohibiting Class C licenses, the license board of the towns ofCoventry, Scituate and South Kingstown shall issue Class B licenses to theholder of all Class C licenses in those towns. The Class B licenses may beissued to the holders of Class C licenses notwithstanding any requirements of§ 3-7-7. The holders of Class C licenses shall have the full privileges ofa Class B license and shall pay the annual fee provided for Class B licenses.
(d) Notwithstanding any prohibitions on the preparation andserving of foods cooked on the premises contained in paragraph (b) herein, theholders of Class C licenses in the city of Newport are authorized to prepareand serve foods cooked on the premises. The holders of Class C licenses in thecity of Newport shall be deemed to be victualling houses for purposes of §3-8-1.