§ 3-7-3.1 - Class AT license.
SECTION 3-7-3.1
§ 3-7-3.1 Class AT license. One retailer's Class AT license may be issued within the state, by the locallicensing authority of the city of Warwick to one person. This person shall bea lessee of retail space at the state airport found within the city of Warwickand this license authorizes the holder to keep for sale and to sell at retail,at the place described, beverages produced in this state and to deliver thebeverages at room temperature in a sealed package or container, which packageor container shall not be opened nor its contents consumed on the premiseswhere sold. The person to whom the license is issued shall pay to the city ofWarwick an annual fee of one hundred dollars ($100) for the license. Thelicense expires one year from its date. No further license shall be required ortax levied by the city for the privilege of selling these beverages pursuant toa license issued under this section. The license is limited to the same daysand hours of operation as the holder of a Class A license within the city ofWarwick.