§ 3-7-26 - Certain practices prohibited.
SECTION 3-7-26
§ 3-7-26 Certain practices prohibited. (a) No licensee, employee or agent of any licensee who operates under a licenseto sell alcoholic beverages shall:
(1) Cause or require any person or persons to buy more thanone drink at a time by reducing the price of that drink;
(2) Increase the volume of alcohol contained in any alcoholicbeverage without proportionately increasing the price;
(3) Sell, propose to sell or deliver to any person or personsan unlimited number of drinks during a certain period of time for a fixedprice; or
(4) Allow or encourage any game or promotion on the premiseswhich involves the drinking of alcoholic beverages or the awarding of alcoholicbeverages as prizes for consumption on the premises.
(b) No licensee shall advertise or promote in any manner, orin any medium, happy hours, open bars, two-for-one nights and/or free drinkspecials.
(2) Any licensee is prohibited from knowingly allowing theuse of its premises as part of an organized pub crawl, so-called. A pub crawlshall be defined as an organized event intended to promote the organized,commercial travel of significantly large groups of individuals between licensedpremises for the primary purpose of consuming alcoholic beverages at more thanone premise. Evidence of a pub crawl shall include, but not be limited by:
(i) The existence of advertising, flyers, tickets or otherprinted or electronic material promoting or describing a planned pub crawl;
(ii) Organized, commercial transportation intended to move atotal of fifty (50) or more individuals from one premise to another in anorganized fashion; and
(iii) Evidence of compensation paid to an organizer byparticipants in a pub crawl. The department of business regulation isauthorized to promulgate rules and regulations consistent with this section.
(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit alicensee from offering free food or entertainment at any time; or to prohibitlicensees from including an alcoholic beverage as part of a meal package; or toprohibit the sale or delivery of wine by the bottle or carafe when sold withmeals or to more than one person; or to prohibit free wine tastings. Except asotherwise limited by this section, nothing contained in this section shalllimit or may restrict the price which may be charged by any licensee for anysize alcoholic beverage to be consumed on the licensed premises.
(d) Adherence to this section is deemed to be a conditionattached to the issuance and/or continuation of every license to sell alcoholicbeverages for consumption on the licensed premises, and this section shall beenforced by the applicable local licensing authority, its agents, and thedepartment.
(e) The provisions of this section are deemed to be severableand any final decision by a court of competent jurisdiction holding that anyprovision of this section is void, shall not make void nor affect any of theremaining provisions of this section.