§ 3-7-11 - Class D license.
SECTION 3-7-11
§ 3-7-11 Class D license. A retailer's Class D license shall be issued only to a club or to anycorporation organized prior to the year 1900 for purposes similar to those setforth in chapter 6 of title 7, and which has held a Class D license for atleast ten (10) consecutive years prior to July 1, 1993, and authorizes theholder of the license to keep for sale and to sell beverages at the placedescribed at retail and to deliver those beverages for consumption on thepremises where sold. The license authorizes the holder of the license to keepfor sale and sell beverages, including beer in cans, at retail at the placedescribed and to deliver those beverages for consumption on the premises. If aclub is not the owner or, for the period of two (2) years before the filing ofits application for a license, the lessee of the premises where its principalactivities are carried on or of kitchen and dining room equipment in the clubpremises reasonably adequate to supply its members and guests with food, thenthe license shall authorize the holder of the license to keep for sale and sellmalt and vinous beverages, but not beverages consisting in whole or in part ofalcohol produced by distillation. Notwithstanding the provisions of thissection, with the written permission of the local authority, the licensee maysupply food and beverage to the public for consumption on the premises at timesdetermined by the holder of the license. The annual fee for the license to sellbeverages shall be not more than eight hundred dollars ($800) and for thelicense to sell malt and vinous beverages only shall be not more than fourhundred dollars ($400), in each case prorated to the year ending December 1 inevery calendar year determined by each local municipality; provided, further, amunicipality may establish separate and lower annual fees for Class D licensesfor veterans' halls with a capacity of not more than one hundred (100) persons.