§ 3-6-10 - Wholesaler's license Class B.
SECTION 3-6-10
§ 3-6-10 Wholesaler's license ClassB. (a) A wholesaler's license, Class B, authorizes the holder to keep for sale andto sell malt and vinous beverages and distilled spirits at wholesale, at theplace described in the license, to holders of licenses under this title withinthis state and to holders of wholesale licenses in other states and authorizesthe transportation and delivery from the place of sale to those license holdersor to a common carrier for that delivery. Sales by a wholesaler in this stateto a holder of a wholesale license in another state shall be only to awholesaler who is a distributor of the same brand of malt beverages, vinousbeverages, and distilled spirits subject to permission by the state liquorcontrol administrator. The license shall not authorize the sale of beveragesfor consumption on the premises where sold nor the sale of beverages fordelivery outside this state in violation of the law of the place of delivery.
(b) The annual fee for the license is four thousand dollars($4,000) prorated to the year ending December 1 in every calendar year, andshall be paid to the division of taxation and turned over to the generaltreasurer for the use of the state whenever any malt beverages, vinousbeverages, and distilled spirits are sold outside the state pursuant to thissection. Refunds or credits of import fees previously paid on malt beverages,vinous beverages and distilled spirits shall be made to holders of wholesaler'slicenses under this title in accordance with regulations promulgated by thedivision of taxation.