§ 3-6-1.2 - Brewpub manufacturer's license.
SECTION 3-6-1.2
§ 3-6-1.2 Brewpub manufacturer's license. (a) A brewpub manufacturer's license shall authorize the holder to establishand operate a brewpub within this state. The brewpub manufacturer's licenseshall authorize the retail sale of the beverages manufactured on the locationfor consumption on the premises. The license shall not authorize the retailsale of beverages from any location other than the location set forth in thelicense. A brewpub may sell at retail alcoholic beverages produced on thepremises by the half-gallon bottle known as a "growler" to consumers for offthe premises consumption to be sold pursuant to the laws governing retail ClassA establishments.
(b) The license shall also authorize the sale at wholesale atthe licensed place by the manufacturer of the product of his or her licensedplant as well as beverages produced for the brewpub and sold under thebrewpub's name to a holder of a wholesaler's license and the transportation anddelivery from the place of sale to the licensed wholesaler or to a commoncarrier for that delivery.
(c) The brewpub manufacturer's license further authorizes thesale of beverages manufactured on the premises to any person holding a validwholesaler's and importer's license under § 3-6-9 or 3-6-11.
(d) The annual fee for the license is one thousand dollars($1,000) for a brewpub producing more than fifty thousand (50,000) gallons peryear and five hundred dollars ($500) per year for a brewpub producing less thanfifty thousand (50,000) gallons per year. The annual fee is prorated to theyear ending December 1 in every calendar year and paid to the division oftaxation and turned over to the general treasurer for the use of the state.