§ 3-4-2 - Payment of purchase price and service charges.


   § 3-4-2  Payment of purchase price andservice charges. – If the division of taxation decides to execute an order pursuant to §3-4-1, it may require the payment to it, with the order and the means of payingfor the merchandise desired, of a reasonable sum to cover any expenses it maybe put to in connection with the transaction taken in connection with othersimilar transactions. It is a condition precedent to the receiving of themerchandise covered by the order that the party desiring the importation haspaid the division of taxation a service charge based upon the manufacturingrates set forth in § 3-10-1 provided, that if the order is placed by alicensee who engages to store the goods ordered, or any part of them, in thewarehouse of the department, then the payment of the service charge may bedeferred until the goods are withdrawn from the warehouse and in that case theservice charge is paid before each lot or parcel is withdrawn.