§ 29-3.1-7 - Duties of chief information officer.

SECTION 29-3.1-7

   § 29-3.1-7  Duties of chief informationofficer. – The chief information officer shall be the executive and administrative officerin charge of the office of library and information services. The position ofchief information officer shall be in the unclassified service of the state andhe or she shall serve as the chief executive officer of the library board. Thechief information officer shall also carry out the duties required by thischapter and by chapters 5 and 6 of this title. In addition to the generalsupervision of the office of library and information services and theappointment of the several officers and employees of the office, it shall bethe duty of the chief information officer:

   (1) To develop a systematic program of information gathering,processing, and analysis addressed to every aspect of public librarydevelopment and interlibrary cooperation and resource sharing in this state,especially as that information relates to current and future library andinformation service needs, so that current needs may be met with reasonablepromptness and plans formulated to meet future needs as they arise in the mostefficient and economical manner possible;

   (2) To develop a master plan defining board goals andobjectives for public library development and interlibrary cooperation andresource sharing in the state. These goals and objectives shall be expressed interms of the library and information services to which individuals will haveaccess;

   (3) To communicate with and seek the advice of thoseconcerned with and affected by the library board's determinations;

   (4) To develop and implement board policy as it pertains tothe goals and objectives approved by the library board from time to time;

   (5) To enforce standards and to exercise general supervisionover interlibrary cooperation and resource sharing in the state;

   (6) To develop annually the program for the use of federalfunds that is submitted to the United States department of education;

   (7) To supervise the operation of the office of library andinformation services as defined elsewhere in this title and such otheradditional duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the library boardfrom time to time; and

   (8) To supervise the following functions:

   (i) To distribute state funds for public library developmentand interlibrary cooperation and resource sharing in accordance with law andregulations of the library board;

   (ii) To develop standards and regulations for public librarydevelopment and interlibrary cooperation and resource sharing;

   (iii) To certify that public library standards and servicesare in accordance with law and regulations of the library board;

   (iv) To require the observance of all laws relating to publiclibrary services and interlibrary cooperation and resource sharing;

   (v) To interpret library law;

   (vi) To give assistance, advice, and counsel to publiclibraries and to participants in interlibrary cooperation and resource sharingactivities;

   (vii) To require that information and statistics necessary todo the work of the office of library and information services be collected, topublish findings and reports thereon;

   (viii) To provide eligible persons who are impaired, blind,reading impaired and/or physically impaired with library services through thetalking books plus, in cooperation with the library of congress nationallibrary service for the blind and physically handicapped;

   (ix) To cooperate with the commissioner of elementary andsecondary education in supporting and encouraging effective school librarymedia services and their integration into statewide library networkingactivities;

   (x) To cooperate with the state librarian and the state lawlibrarian in strengthening services to library users;

   (xi) To cooperate with the commissioner of higher educationin supporting and encouraging effective library services through the statesystem of higher education; and

   (xii) To coordinate with all other state departments andagencies in the provision of library services to state government and to thepublic.