§ 28-7-26 - Judicial enforcement of orders.
SECTION 28-7-26
§ 28-7-26 Judicial enforcement of orders. (a) The board shall have the power to petition the superior court of the statewithin the county where the unfair labor practice in question occurred or whereany person charged with the unfair labor practice resides or transactsbusiness. If that court is on vacation or in recess, then the board maypetition to the superior court of any county adjoining the county where theunfair labor practice in question occurred or where any person charged with theunfair labor practice resides or transacts business, for the enforcement of theorder and for appropriate temporary relief or restraining order. The boardshall certify and file in the court a transcript of the entire record in theproceeding, including the pleadings and testimony upon which the order was madeand the findings and order of the board.
(b) Upon the filing, the court shall cause notice of thefiling to be served on the person, and at that time shall have jurisdiction ofthe proceeding and of the question determined in the proceeding. The courtshall have the power to grant any temporary relief or restraining order that itdeems just and proper, and to make and enter upon the pleadings, testimony, andproceedings set forth in the transcript a decree enforcing, modifying, andenforcing as so modified, or setting aside, in whole or in part, the order ofthe board.