§ 28-45-13 - Standards of apprenticeship agreements.
SECTION 28-45-13
§ 28-45-13 Standards of apprenticeshipagreements. All apprenticeship agreements submitted for approval and registration with thecouncil shall contain explicitly or by reference:
(1) Names and signatures of the contracting parties(apprentice and the program sponsor or employer), and the signature of a parentor guardian if the apprentice is a minor.
(2) The date of birth of apprentice.
(3) Name and address of the program sponsor andapprenticeship council.
(4) A statement of the trade or craft in which the apprenticeis to be trained, and the beginning date and term (duration) of apprenticeship.
(5) A statement showing:
(i) The number of hours to be spent by the apprentice in workon the job; and
(ii) The number of hours to be spent in related andsupplemental instruction that is recommended to be not less than one hundredforty-four (144) hours per year.
(6) A statement setting forth a schedule of the workprocesses in the trade or industry divisions in which the apprentice is to betrained and the approximate time to be spent at each process.
(7) A statement of the graduated scale of wages to be paidthe apprentice and whether or not the required school time shall be compensated.
(8) Statements providing:
(i) For a specific period of probation not exceeding six (6)months or one thousand (1000) hours on the job during which time theapprenticeship agreement may be terminated by either party to the agreementupon written notice to the apprenticeship council.
(ii) That, after the probationary period, the agreement maybe cancelled at the request of the apprentice, or may be suspended, cancelled,or terminated by the sponsor, for good cause, with due notice to the apprenticeand a reasonable opportunity for corrective action, and with written notice tothe apprentice and to the apprenticeship council of the final action taken.
(9) A reference incorporating as part of the agreement thestandards of the apprenticeship program as it exists on the date of theagreement and as it may be amended during the period of the agreement.
(10) A statement that the apprentice will be accorded equalopportunity in all phases of apprenticeship employment, and training, withoutdiscrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex.
(11) Provision that the services of the apprenticeshipcouncil may be utilized for consultation regarding the settlement ofdifferences arising out of the apprenticeship agreement where those differencescannot be adjusted locally or in accordance with the established tradeprocedure.