§ 28-44-57 - Fees and costs chargeable.
SECTION 28-44-57
§ 28-44-57 Fees and costs chargeable. (a) No individual claiming benefits shall be charged fees of any kind by thedirector or his or her representative, or by the board of review or itsrepresentatives, in any proceeding under chapters 42 44 of this title.Any individual claiming benefits in any proceeding or court action may berepresented by counsel or other duly authorized agent. The director shall havethe authority to fix the fees of that counsel or other duly authorized agent,but no counsel or agent shall together be allowed to charge or receive forthose services more than ten percent (10%) of the maximum benefits at issue inthat proceeding or court action but not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) exceptas specifically allowed by the superior court.
(b) In any case in which either an employer appeals from adetermination in favor of the claimant or a claimant appeals from a decisionunfavorable to the claimant to an appeals body other than a court of law andthe claimant retains an attorney-at-law to represent him or her, the attorneyshall be entitled to a counsel fee of fifteen percent (15%) of the amount ofbenefits at issue before the appeals body but not less than fifty dollars($50.00), which shall be paid by the director out of the employment securityadministrative funds, within thirty (30) days of the date of his or herappearance.
(c) An attorney-at-law who represents an individual claimingbenefits on an appeal to the courts shall be entitled to counsel fees uponfinal disposition of the case and necessary court costs and printingdisbursements as fixed by the court.
(2) The director shall pay those counsel fees, costs, anddisbursements, out of the employment security administrative funds in each ofthe following cases:
(i) Any court appeal taken by a party other than the claimantfrom an administrative or judicial decision favorable in whole or in part tothe claimant;
(ii) Any court appeal by a claimant from a decision denyingor reducing benefits awarded under a prior administrative or judicial decision;
(iii) Any court appeal as a result of which the claimant isawarded benefits.