§ 28-43-8 - Experience rates Tables.
SECTION 28-43-8
§ 28-43-8 Experience rates Tables. (a) Whenever, as of September 30, 1987, or any subsequent computation date, theamount in the employment security fund available for benefits is six and fourtenths percent (6.4%) or more of total payrolls as determined in §28-43-1(9), an experience rate for each eligible employer for the immediatelyfollowing calendar year shall be determined in accordance with schedule A inthis subsection.
(2) Whenever, as of September 30, 1987, or any subsequentcomputation date, the amount in the employment security fund available forbenefits is six and one-tenth percent (6.1%) but less than six and four-tenths(6.4%) of total payrolls as determined in § 28-43-1(9), an experience ratefor each eligible employer for the immediately following calendar year shall bedetermined in accordance with schedule B in this subsection.
(3) Whenever, as of September 30, 1987, or any subsequentcomputation date the amount in the employment security fund available forbenefits is five and eight-tenths percent (5.8%) but less than six andone-tenth (6.1%) of total payrolls as determined in § 28-43-1(9), anexperience rate for each eligible employer for the immediately followingcalendar year shall be determined in accordance with schedule C in thissubsection.
(4) Whenever, as of September 30, 1987, or any subsequentcomputation date the amount in the employment security fund available forbenefits is five and three-tenths percent (5.3%) but less than five andeight-tenths (5.8%) of total payrolls as determined in § 28-43-1(9), anexperience rate for each eligible employer for the immediately followingcalendar year shall be determined in accordance with schedule D in thissubsection.
(5) Whenever, as of September 30, 1987, or any subsequentcomputation date the amount in the employment security fund available forbenefits is four and seven-tenths percent (4.7%) but less than five andthree-tenths (5.3%) of total payrolls as determined in § 28-43-1(9), anexperience rate for each eligible employer for the immediately followingcalendar year shall be determined in accordance with schedule E in thissubsection.
(6) Whenever, as of September 30, 1987, or any subsequentcomputation date the amount in the employment security fund available forbenefits is three and six-tenths percent (3.6%) but less than four andseven-tenths (4.7%) of total payrolls as determined in § 28-43-1(9), anexperience rate for each eligible employer for the immediately followingcalendar year shall be determined in accordance with schedule F in thissubsection.
(7) Whenever, as of September 30, 1987, or any subsequentcomputation date the amount in the employment security fund available forbenefits is three percent (3%) but less than three and six-tenths (3.6%) oftotal payrolls as determined in § 28-43-1(9), an experience rate for eacheligible employer for the immediately following calendar year shall bedetermined in accordance with schedule G in this subsection.
(8) Whenever, as of September 30, 1987, or any subsequentcomputation date the amount in the employment security fund available forbenefits is two and seventy five hundredths percent (2.75%) but less than 3percent (3%) of total payrolls as determined in § 28-43-1(9), anexperience rate for each eligible employer for the immediately followingcalendar year shall be determined in accordance with schedule H in thissubsection.
(9) Whenever, as of September 30, 1987, or any subsequentcomputation date the amount in the employment security fund available forbenefits is less than two and seventy five hundredths percent (2.75%) of totalpayrolls as determined in § 28-43-1(9), an experience rate for eacheligible employer for the immediately following calendar year shall bedetermined in accordance with schedule I in this subsection.
(10) Whenever the amount in the employment security fundavailable for benefits, net of obligations owed to the federal government, isless than zero at the end of the second month in any calendar quarter, everyemployer subject to the contribution provisions of this chapter shall berequired to pay a surtax of three-tenths of one percent (.3%) of the individualemployer's taxable wages for the calendar quarter, in addition to any othercontribution which the employer is required to make under any other provisionof this chapter; provided, however, that this surtax shall not be imposedduring any quarter of calendar years 2009 and 2010 during which the interest onfederal Title XII advances under section 1201 of the Social Security Act hasbeen waived.
(b) The contribution rate for each employer for a givencalendar year shall be determined and the employer notified of it not laterthan April 1 next succeeding each computation date. That determination shall bebinding unless an appeal is taken in accordance with provisions of §28-43-13.