§ 28-43-34 - Repayment Federal advances.
SECTION 28-43-34
§ 28-43-34 Repayment Federaladvances. (a) If at any time the amount in the employment security fund exceeds theamount of any outstanding balance of this state due to the federal unemploymentaccount in the unemployment trust fund, the governor may, upon recommendationof the director, in accordance with federal law and regulations in effect,cause to be paid from the employment security fund an amount equal to theoutstanding balance to the federal unemployment account.
(b) If on June 30, 1985, or on any subsequent June 30, theamount in the employment security fund exceeds the amount of any outstandingbalance of this state due to the federal unemployment account in theunemployment trust fund, the governor shall, in accordance with federal law andregulations then in effect, cause to be paid from the employment security fundan amount equal to the outstanding balance to the federal unemployment account;provided, that the remaining balance in the unemployment security fund afterthat payment will equal or exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the amount ofbenefits estimated by the director to be paid in the next succeeding twelve(12) months.
(c) In any calendar year beginning on or after January 1,1983, The governor may, upon recommendation of the director, cause to be paidfrom the employment security fund to the federal unemployment account, anyamount or amounts if, in accordance with federal laws and regulations then ineffect, the governor deems that payment to be in the best interest of thisstate.
(d) The governor may delegate his or her authority to makevoluntary repayments of Title XII advances from the account of the State ofRhode Island in the unemployment trust fund to the federal unemployment accountto the director in accordance with the provisions of Section 1202 of the SocialSecurity Act. The director may make voluntary repayments as he or she deemsnecessary, provided that upon making such a voluntary repayment, the directorshall notify the governor, the speaker of the house, the senate president, thechairman of the house finance committee and the chairman of the senate financecommittee of the action taken.