§ 28-43-1 - Definitions.
SECTION 28-43-1
§ 28-43-1 Definitions. The following words and phrases as used in this chapter have the followingmeanings, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
(1) "Balancing account" means a book account to beestablished within the employment security fund, the initial balance of whichshall be established by the director as of September 30, 1979, by transferringthe balance of the solvency account on that date to the balancing account.
(2) "Computation date" means September 30 of each year.
(3) "Eligible employer" means an employer who has had three(3) consecutive experience years during each of which contributions have beencredited to his account and benefits have been chargeable to this account.
(4) "Employer's account" means a separate account to beestablished within the employment security fund by the director as of September30, 1958, for each employer subject to chapters 42 44 of this title outof the money remaining in that fund after the solvency account has beenestablished in the fund, by crediting to each employer an initial creditbalance bearing the same relation to the total fund balance so distributed, ashis or her tax contributions to the fund during the period beginning October 1,1955 and ending on September 30, 1958 have to aggregate tax contributions paidby all employers during the same period; provided, that nothing contained inthis section shall be construed to grant to any employer prior claim or rightsto the amount contributed by him or her to the fund.
(5) "Experience rate" means the contribution rate assigned toan employer's account under whichever is applicable of schedules A I in§ 28-43-8.
(6) "Experience year" means the period of twelve (12)consecutive calendar months ending September 30 of each year.
(7) "Most recent employer" means the last base periodemployer from whom an individual was separated from employment and for whom theindividual worked for at least four (4) weeks, and in each of those four (4)weeks had earnings of at least twenty (20) times the minimum hourly wage asdefined in chapter 12 of this title.
(8) "Reserve percentage" means, in relation to an employer'saccount, the net balance of that account on a computation date stated as apercentage of the employer's twelve (12) month average taxable payroll for thelast thirty-six (36) months ended on the immediately preceding June 30.
(9) "Reserve ratio of fund" means the ratio which the totalamount available for the payment of benefits in the employment security fund onSeptember 30, 1979, or any computation date thereafter, minus any outstandingfederal loan balance, bears to the aggregate of all total payrolls subject tothis chapter paid during the twelve (12) month period ending on the immediatelypreceding June 30, or the twelve (12) month average of all total payrollsduring the thirty-six (36) month period ending on that June 30, whicheverpercentage figure is smaller.
(10) "Taxable payroll" means, for the purpose of thischapter, the total of all wages as defined in § 28-42-3(28).
(11) "Tax year" means the calendar year.
(12) "Total payroll" means, for the purpose of this chapter,the total of all wages paid by all employers who are required to paycontributions under the provisions of chapters 42 44 of this title.