§ 28-31-4 - Settlement of claims.
SECTION 28-31-4
§ 28-31-4 Settlement of claims. (a) The department of administration shall have full authority and power tosettle any claims which an employee may have against the state under chapters29 38 of this title.
(b) When any town or city accepts the provisions of thosechapters, the town council of that town and the city council of that city shallappoint some person or persons not exceeding three (3) in number who shall haveauthority and power to settle any claim which an employee may have against thattown or city under those chapters; names of the persons so appointed shall berecorded in the office of the town clerk or city clerk, as the case may be, andthat appointment shall continue in force until revoked by vote of the body bywhom the appointments are made.
(c) All payments made by the department of administrationshall be certified to the state controller, and all payments made by thepersons appointed under this section to act for any town or city shall becertified to the treasurer of that town or city.
(d) Every payment made in behalf of the state or of a town orcity is subject to the provisions of §§ 28-35-1 28-35-12 and§§ 28-35-14 28-35-63.
(e) The statute of limitations shall be tolled while paymentsare made pursuant to this section.