§ 28-31-1 - Acceptance of provisions by town, city, or regional school district Employees covered.
SECTION 28-31-1
§ 28-31-1 Acceptance of provisions bytown, city, or regional school district Employees covered. The acceptance of the provisions of chapters 29 38 of this title by acity or town, except for the city of Providence, shall be by vote of theelectors of that town qualified to vote on a proposition to impose a tax or forthe expenditure of money in town meeting assembled, or by vote of the towncouncil of any town when authorized by their electors to accept the provisionsof those chapters in behalf of that town. The acceptance of the provisions ofthose chapters by a city shall be by vote of the city council of that city. Theacceptance of the provisions of chapters 29 38 of this title by aregional school district shall be by vote of the electors of that schooldistrict qualified to vote at financial meetings of that district, or by voteof the regional district school committee when authorized by those electors toaccept the provisions of these chapters on behalf of that district. Electors ofa town, or the town council authorized as provided in this section, or electorsof a regional district or school committee, or the city council of a city, inaccepting the provisions of those chapters in behalf of the town or city orregional school district, shall also designate the class of employees or thenature of the employment to which the provisions of those chapters shall apply.Upon the passage of any vote of acceptance the town or city clerk or regionalcommittee secretary, as the case may be, shall file a certified copy of thatvote with the director, and that filing shall be deemed on the part of thattown, city, or regional school district a sufficient compliance with theprovisions of § 28-29-8 requiring notice of the election of an employer tobecome subject to its provisions. If the vote does not designate the class ofemployees or the nature of the employment to which the provisions of chapters29 38 of this title are to apply, then those provisions shall apply toall employees of the town, city, or regional school district in behalf of whichthe vote is passed, except those employees who are excluded under thedefinition of employees set forth in § 28-29-2. The filing of a copy ofthe vote as provided in this section shall render the town, city, or regionalschool district in behalf of which that vote is filed subject to the provisionsof those chapters in accordance with that vote for the term of one year fromthe date of that filing, and subsequently for successive terms of one year,unless the vote of acceptance is rescinded by the electors or the town councilof the town, the city council of that city, or the school committee, and acertified copy of that rescission shall be filed with the director at leastsixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the first of each succeeding year.