§ 28-27-22 - Procedure for revocation of license.

SECTION 28-27-22

   § 28-27-22  Procedure for revocation oflicense. – (a) No proceedings to revoke a license as provided in this section shall beinstituted unless filed with the department of labor and training within oneyear after the date or dates of violation(s).

   (b) No license shall be revoked or cancelled until a full andimpartial hearing as provided in this section.

   (c) No hearing for the purpose of revoking any license ofmaster or contractor or journeyperson shall be held unless there is firstplaced on file with the department a verified complaint, in writing, recitingtherein with reasonable particularity a statement of facts which, if proved,would be sufficient to constitute a violation of one or more of thespecifications as set forth in § 28-27-21.

   (d) Upon the filing of a verified complaint as provided inthis chapter, the department shall promptly set a date for the hearing of thecharges which shall be held in the city of Providence in this state. Thedepartment shall promptly by registered, certified mail forward to the licenseecharged in the complaint a true and honest copy of the complaint andnotification of the time and place a hearing of the charges shall be held.

   (e) At the time and place fixed in the notification, thedepartment shall proceed to a hearing before the board of the charges specifiedin the complaint. No hearing upon the charges of the complaint shall be hadunless the records of the department contain evidence that the licensee chargedin the complaint has been served with a copy of the complaint and notificationof at least twenty (20) days prior to the date of the hearing; provided, thatthe appearance of the licensee so charged, either in his or her own behalf orby counsel, shall constitute proof that sufficient notice of hearing was served.

   (f) A complaining party by him or herself or by counsel mayaid in the presentation of evidence toward sustaining the complaint. Ampleopportunity shall be accorded for hearing all evidence and statement of counseleither in support or against the charges of the complaint. Upon good causeshown, the date of the hearing on the complaint may be continued; provided thatthe licensee and other interested parties shall be reasonably notified aboutthe date of the continuance.