§ 28-21-1 - Duty of employer.
SECTION 28-21-1
§ 28-21-1 Duty of employer. An employer who uses, transports, stores, or otherwise exposes its employees totoxic or hazardous substances shall obtain, maintain, and make available ineach workplace a list of all hazardous substances to which employees are or maybe exposed. The lists of all hazardous substances shall be readily available toemployees for examination during all hours of operation. In addition, a postershall be placed at conspicuous locations at each workplace and be readilyavailable to employees for examination during all hours of operation. Theposter shall contain the rights of employees under this chapter and in additionshall contain the following language: "For Further Information Concerning YourRights under the Hazardous Substances Right-To-Know Act contact the departmentof labor and training at (telephone no.)." The director of labor and trainingshall design, print, and distribute to all employers subject to this chapter, aposter that complies with the provisions of this section.