§ 28-20-13 - Inspection of violations.
SECTION 28-20-13
§ 28-20-13 Inspection of violations. (a) Any employee or representative of employees who believes that a violationof a safety or health code exists that threatens physical harm, or that animminent danger exists, may request an inspection by giving notice to thedirector of the violation or danger. Any notice shall be reduced to writing,set forth with reasonable particularity the grounds for the notice, and besigned by the employee or representative of employees. Upon receipt of thenotification, the director shall provide a copy to the employer or his or heragent not later than at the time of inspection, except that, upon the requestof the person giving the notice, his or her name and the name of the individualemployee referred to in the notice shall not appear in copy or on any recordpublished, released, or made available. If upon receipt of the notification thedirector determines there are reasonable grounds to believe that the violationor danger exists, he or she shall make a special inspection in accordance withthe provisions of this section as soon as practicable to determine if theviolation or danger exists. If the director determines that there are notreasonable grounds to believe that a violation or danger exists, he or sheshall notify the employee or representative of the employees in writing of thatdetermination.
(b) Prior to or during any inspection of a workplace, anyemployee or representative of employees employed in the workplace may notifythe director, in writing, of any violation of this chapter which he or she hasreason to believe exists in the workplace. The director shall by regulationestablish procedures for informal review of any refusal by his or herrepresentative to issue a compliance order as to any alleged violation andshall furnish the employee or representative of employees requesting the reviewa written statement of the reasons for the director's final disposition of thecase.
(c) A representative of the employer and a representativeauthorized by the employees shall be given the opportunity to accompany thecompliance inspector during a physical inspection of the workplace for thepurpose of aiding the inspection. Where there is no authorized employeerepresentative, the compliance inspector shall consult with a reasonable numberof employees concerning matters of health and safety in the workplace.