§ 27-9-52 - Assessment for costs of rate filings, review, and pricing.
SECTION 27-9-52
§ 27-9-52 Assessment for costs of ratefilings, review, and pricing. The director of the department of business regulation may appoint actuaries andany other required administrative personnel to assist the director in theperformance of his or her duties relating to the evaluation of rate filings,reviews, and pricing procedures of insurers; the actuaries and otheradministrative personnel shall serve under the direction of the director andshall be removable at the director's pleasure. The director is authorized toenter into contracts with consultants for the purpose of studying rate filings,reviews, and pricing procedures of insurers. Insurance companies doinginsurance in this state shall be assessed according to a schedule of theirdirect writings of insurance in this state to pay for the compensation of theactuaries, consultants, and other administrative personnel retained hereunder.This assessment shall comply with the provisions pursuant to chapter 37 oftitle 28.