§ 27-9-23 - Admission of and services to subscribers.
SECTION 27-9-23
§ 27-9-23 Admission of and services tosubscribers. Subject to rules and regulations which have been approved by the commissioneras reasonable, each rating organization shall permit any insurer not a memberto be a subscriber to its rating services for any kind of insurance orsubdivision of insurance for which it is authorized to act as a ratingorganization. Notice of proposed changes in those rules and regulations shallbe given to subscribers. Each rating organization shall furnish its ratingservices without discrimination to its members and subscribers. Thereasonableness of any rule or regulation in its application to subscribers, orthe refusal of any rating organization to admit an insurer as a subscriber,shall, at the request of any subscriber or any affected insurer, be reviewed bythe commissioner at a hearing held upon at least ten (10) days written noticeto the rating organization and to the subscriber or insurer. If thecommissioner finds that the rule or regulation is unreasonable in itsapplication to subscribers, the commissioner shall order that the rule orregulation shall not be applicable to subscribers. If the rating organizationfails to grant or reject an insurer's application for subscribership withinthirty (30) days after it was made, the insurer may request a review by thecommissioner as if the application had been rejected. If the commissioner findsthat the insurer has been refused admittance to the rating organization as asubscriber without justification, the commissioner shall order the ratingorganization to admit the insurer as a subscriber. If the commissioner findsthat the action of the rating organization was justified, the commissionershall make an order affirming its action.