§ 27-7.1-7.2 - Annual report.
SECTION 27-7.1-7.2
§ 27-7.1-7.2 Annual report. The director of business regulation shall provide by regulation for an annualreport to be filed by each insurer writing workers' compensation insurance inthe state. The regulation shall require the reporting of litigation expensesincurred by insurers, including the payments made for claimants' attorneys'fees, defense counsel fees, medical testimony, and any other information deemedrelevant by the director. Insurers shall also be required to specify the numberof claims and portion of their indemnity benefits paid out periodically, andthe number of claims and portion of indemnity benefits paid out as lump sumsettlements. The director shall also order the insurers to perform closed claimstudies regarding losses and expenses related to vocational rehabilitation,physical therapy, chiropractic services, safety programs or any other mattershe or she deems appropriate.