§ 27-68-2 - Pilot primary care program established.
SECTION 27-68-2
§ 27-68-2 Pilot primary care programestablished. To increase access to primary care for those state residents who do not haveaccess to health insurance coverage or who are unable to afford healthinsurance coverage, the director of the state department of human services incollaboration with the director of the department of health shall develop aplan for a pilot primary care program for uninsured residents of the state. Thepilot program may include enrollee premiums and co-insurance payments that areincome-based with premiums and/or co-insurance subsidized by the state. Thepilot program may also include catastrophic or reinsurance coverage providedunder the auspices of the state. In designing the pilot program, the directormay consider a variety of service delivery and financing models includingcapitation payments to private physicians, a buy-in program under RIte Care andcoverage arrangements purchased from qualified community health centers. Indeveloping the pilot program the director may seek available federal grantmonies, including medicaid, and private foundation grants. The director shallsubmit the plan for the pilot primary care program to the governor, the speakerof the house, the president of the senate, the majority leaders of the houseand senate and the chairpersons of the house and senate finance committees byJanuary 15, 2005. The plan shall include eligibility criteria for participationin the pilot program, the scope of services to be offered, the geographic areaand population to be served, and cost estimates to implement the program.