§ 27-42-6 - Disclosure.
SECTION 27-42-6
§ 27-42-6 Disclosure. – Any production agency or administrator including, but not limited to, anyinsurance producer licensed under chapter 2.4 of this title, which advertises,sells, transacts, or administers the coverage in this state described in §27-42-2 and which, under § 27-42-4, is unable to show that it is subjectto the jurisdiction of another department of this state, any subdivision ofthis state, or the federal government shall, if that coverage is not fullyinsured or fully covered by a domestic insurance company incorporated by thegeneral assembly and subject to chapter 1 of this title, or a foreign insurancecompany licensed to do business in Rhode Island and subject to chapter 2 ofthis title, non-profit service corporation, as defined in chapters 19, 20,20.1, or 20.2 of this title, or nonprofit health service corporationincorporated by the general assembly or a health maintenance organizationlicensed under chapter 41 of title 27, advise every purchaser, prospectivepurchaser, and covered person of the lack of insurance or other coverage. Anyadministrator which advertises or administers the coverage in this statedescribed in § 27-42-2 and which, under § 27-42-4, is unable to showthat it is subject to the jurisdiction of another department of this state, anysubdivision of this state, or the federal government, shall advise anyproduction agency of the elements of the coverage including the amount of "stoploss" insurance in effect.