§ 27-20.3-4 - Annual and quarterly statements.
SECTION 27-20.3-4
§ 27-20.3-4 Annual and quarterlystatements. (a) Every nonprofit prepaid legal service corporation shall annually, on orbefore the first day of March in each year, file in the office of thecommissioner of insurance a statement, verified by at least two (2) of theprincipal officers of the corporation, of its condition on the thirty-first dayof December then next preceding, which statement shall contain any mattersrelating to its financial operation, financial condition, and reserves as thedirector of business regulation shall prescribe, and shall be available forinspection by the public.
(b) Every nonprofit prepaid legal service corporation shallalso file quarterly statements with the insurance commissioner, due on orbefore forty-five (45) days after the quarter ending in accordance with theNational Association of Insurance Commissioners' guidelines and procedures, andshall be available for inspection by the public.
(c) The insurance commissioner shall also require compliancewith chapters 12 and 12.1 of this title.