§ 27-20.2-14 - Termination of children's benefits.
SECTION 27-20.2-14
§ 27-20.2-14 Termination of children'sbenefits. – (a) Every individual or group health insurance contract, plan, or policydelivered, issued for delivery, or renewed in this state which provides medicalcoverage that includes coverage for physician services in a physician's office,and every policy which provides major medical or similar comprehensive typecoverage, except for supplemental policies which only provide coverage forspecified diseases and other supplemental policies, shall include a provisionthat policyholders shall receive thirty (30) days notice from the nonprofitoptometric service corporation that a child covered as a dependent by thepolicyholder is about to lose his or her coverage as a result of reaching themaximum age for a dependent child and that the child will only continue to becovered upon documentation being provided of current college enrollment, orthat the child may purchase a conversion policy if he or she is not a collegestudent.
(b) Nothing in this section prohibits a nonprofit optometricservice corporation from requiring a policyholder to annually provide proof ofa child's current college enrollment in order to maintain the child's coverage.Provided further, nothing in this section requires coverage inconsistent withthe membership criteria in effect under the policyholder's health benefitscoverage.