§ 27-16-2.6 - Hospitals affiliated with accredited medical schools Indemnification of personnel.
SECTION 27-16-2.6
§ 27-16-2.6 Hospitals affiliated withaccredited medical schools Indemnification of personnel. Nothing in §§ 27-16-1.2 27-16-2.2 shall be construed to limitor prevent hospitals affiliated with an accredited medical school from agreeingto indemnify hospital employees, and physicians, including physicians'incorporated or unincorporated practices and employees, and medical, nursing,or allied health students affiliated with the hospital, collectively "coveredpersons", for the legal liability of those covered persons for loss, damage, orexpense incident to claims of bodily injury or death arising out of medicalmalpractice or professional error or mistake, "malpractice coverage", whetherthe hospital charges the covered persons for malpractice coverage or not. Thehospitals making the agreements shall be required to establish and maintain areserve fund with which the malpractice coverage will be provided, which may beeither part of or separate from a self-insurance fund maintained by or onbehalf of the hospital. Any self-insurance fund shall annually provide acertified financial statement with actuarial projections as to the soundness ofits reserving to the director of the department of health and the director ofthe department of business regulation. The malpractice coverage provided by theagreements shall be in amounts which meet the minimum insurance coverage limitsrequired by any regulation promulgated by the director of business regulationpursuant to § 42-14.1-2.