§ 27-1-8 - Return of deposit on termination of business.
SECTION 27-1-8
§ 27-1-8 Return of deposit on terminationof business. Whenever any insurance company which has deposited stocks or other securitieswith the general treasurer desires to relinquish its business, the generaltreasurer shall, on application of the company, under the oath of the presidentor principal officer and secretary, give notice of that intention in two (2)newspapers published in this state, to be inserted at least twice a week forsix (6) months. After the publication, the general treasurer, on beingsatisfied by an examination of the books and of the officers of the companyunder oath that all of its debts and liabilities are paid or extinguished uponany contract or agreement, shall deliver up to the company from whom thegeneral treasurer received the securities, the stocks or other securities heldby the general treasurer belonging to the company.