§ 25-2-18.1 - Martin Luther King, Jr. State Holiday Commission.
SECTION 25-2-18.1
§ 25-2-18.1 Martin Luther King, Jr. StateHoliday Commission. (a) There is created a permanent commission to be known as the Martin LutherKing, Jr. State Holiday Commission to consist of thirteen (13) members, three(3) of whom shall be from the house of representatives, not more than two (2)from the same political party, to be appointed by the speaker; three (3) ofwhom shall be from the senate, not more than two (2) from the same politicalparty to be appointed by the president of the senate; three (3) of whom shallbe representatives of the general public, to be appointed by the speaker; two(2) of whom shall be representatives of the general public to be appointed bythe president of the senate; one of whom shall be a representative of thegovernor's office, to be appointed by the governor; and one of whom shall bethe lieutenant governor, all of the foregoing to be known as commissionmembers. The commission shall appoint not more than sixteen (16)representatives from organizations and groups generally identified with andthought to epitomize the ideals of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., all of whomshall be known as non-voting affiliate members, to serve for two (2) year terms.
(b) The purpose of the commission shall be to plan, superviseand administer, in conjunction with the federal Martin Luther King DayCommission and the Martin Luther King Center for Non-Violent Social Change, anappropriate celebration to commemorate the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr., and the annual observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Day, which will beobserved on the third Monday in January each year. The commission shall notlimit its activities to the annual celebration, but shall endeavor to promoteeducational efforts throughout the year, as well as to promote seminar eventsduring the annual celebration that will be of informative value to all segmentsof the Rhode Island community.
(c) The members of the commission shall, in February of eachodd-numbered year, elect from among themselves a chairperson, who shall be alegislator, and a vice-chairperson, who shall not be a government official oremployee. Vacancies in the commission shall be filled in like manner as theoriginal appointment.
(d) The commission is empowered to appoint committees tostudy specialized areas of concern and to report their findings andrecommendations to the commission; provided, however, that one of thesecommittees shall be an education committee.
(e) The commission is empowered to establish a Martin LutherKing Scholarship Fund and to award scholarships from the fund. Decisionsconcerning scholarship awards shall be made by the education committee of thecommission in conjunction with the higher education assistance authority.
(f) The commission is empowered to apply for and receivegrants, appropriations, or gifts from any federal, state, or local agency, fromany public or private foundation, and from any person, firm, or corporation inorder to carry out the purposes of this chapter. The allocation of any fundsreceived shall be decided by a majority vote of voting members in attendance ata meeting duly convened for the conduct of business by the commission.
(g) Seven (7) members of the commission shall constitute aquorum.
(h) The commission shall meet at least four (4) times peryear.
(i) The commission shall adopt policies concerning theresponsibilities of its voting members and non-voting affiliate members,including attendance at commission meetings.
(j) All departments and agencies of the state shall furnishadvice and information, documentary and otherwise, to the commission and itsagents as may be necessary or desirable to facilitate the purposes of thischapter.
(k) The speaker is authorized and directed to providesuitable quarters for the commission.
(l) The commission shall file a report with the generalassembly outlining its plans for the celebration on or before December 15theach year prior to the celebration.