§ 24-8-35 - Damage caused by potholes Claims against the state.
SECTION 24-8-35
§ 24-8-35 Damage caused by potholes Claims against the state. If any person shall incur damage to his or her motor vehicle by reason of apothole on any state highway, causeway, or bridge which damage would not haveoccurred without the existence of the pothole, he or she may recover from thestate the amount of damages sustained up to and not more than the sum of threehundred dollars ($300). All claims shall be made within a period of seven (7)days from the date on which the damage was sustained by filing a written reportin a manner prescribed by the director of the department of transportation whoshall in all instances make the final determination as to the merits of anyclaim so submitted. All claims approved by the director shall be paid in fullwithin forty-five (45) days of the final approval. In no instance, however,shall any claim for damage so caused to a motor vehicle registered in a foreignstate be considered unless that state has a similar statute affording similarprotection to persons owning motor vehicles registered in this state.